Dear Arc Member, Friend and Supporter:
If your membership to The Arc Detroit has expired. With ever decreasing charitable and program dollars, our traditional funding sources have not kept up with rising costs and inflation in operating The Arc Detroit. Because of this, The Arc Detroit is hopeful you will again be generous during this period of Membership Renewal.
At The Arc Detroit we have an advantage. We have you. We have you to help those families who we are advocating to insure the best education program for their loved ones, the parents who are exploring bold new opportunities for their children with intellectual impairments and other developmental disabilities and advocating on behalf of their brothers and sisters to understand the difficult maze of entitlements – Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, etc. You will not only touch the lives of those we serve directly, but also their friends and family members.
This year, The Arc Detroit, working with the Michigan Special Olympics and Services To Enhance Potential developed the Adult Men’s Basketball Team. Loren Glover of The Arc staff coached this team in practice, participated Special Olympics basketball tournaments, Detroit Piston’s 3 on 3 tournament and scrimmaged against the Westland Police Officers.
For others we provide self-advocacy training, recreational and educational program and parent outreach projects.
The Arc believes in Supportive Decision Making and Person Center Planning for individuals who wish to achieve and maintain their independence. We help them secure least restrictive placement and alternatives to guardianship. Staff assists families in the creation of Durable Power Attorney and Medical Advanced Directives. We will accompany and testify on behalf of members at probate hearings.
The Arc Detroit advocates for Special Education students in the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans.
To continue our delivery of advocacy and supports for persons with developmental disabilities, I find myself once again, soliciting the financial support of our membership and friends so that we can continue to assist everyone who seeks our support or who need encouragement.
Your membership to The Arc Detroit is important to us. We honor your commitment, value your volunteer hours and your membership to the largest national nonprofit organization that supports individuals with disabilities. It is through your generosity that The Arc Detroit will continue to be a beacon of light and a source of hope for the thousands of children and adults with intellectual impairments and other developmental disabilities and their families throughout Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park.
The Arc Detroit
51 W. Hancock, Detroit, Michigan 48201 Renew membership today online by going to /membership page Donor Name:
Address: City: State Zip Email: ____ $100.00 or more Friend of The Arc ____ $50.00 family membership ____ $40.00 General Membership ____ $30.00 Sibling Parent Membership ____ $20.00 Person with Disability |
Please Donate today, We are here solely because of your support..